
Finance and Consulting


5G Solutions

Staying on the cutting edge of technology is necessary across every sector, and KPMG is helping with an array of 5G Solutions.


Day in the Life Series

KPMG was implementing new software company-wide and wanted an animation of how the software could be optimized in various scenarios across positions. With multiple characters in various roles, these animations showcased a number of screenshots about how to navigate and best utilize the new software.


Celebrating 100 Days of Engage

KPMG wanted a fun way to celebrate the company-wide software implementation with this sci-fi inspired short that is out of this world.


Trade Show Animation

Based in Washington, DC, Ankura is an expert-led risk and change management advisory and general management consulting firm. With a wide range of services, they needed to briefly break it down for a trade show loop.



Social Media Campaigns

As a payment processor focusing on nonprofits and small businesses, PaymentSpring needed to make sure both users and developers knew how easy and simple it is to use on their site. Several animations detailing the product and a consistent social campaign (celebrating even National Donut Day) made this little startup into a widely implemented product.



Product Overview

PaymentSpring wanted a short, no-voice-over animation to show off their products capabilities and ease.